PCC Aug 2016 News


A warm welcome to all parents with children returning to Oxgangs, and especially to those parents who are new to Oxgangs.  The drill holes have gone, as have the Mobile Elevated Work Plaforms and the scaffolding, leaving the school infused with a faint smell of new paint, expectation and hope.  We wish everyone a very good school year.

Change of Address

As a result of Google changing its web-hosting provision we’re moving these pages over to a new web-host.  Consequently, our new website address has changed to…



Oxgangs Wall Collapse

The history of Oxgangs is not without incident, however, last year the fabric of both the school building, and consequently the school community, was sorely tested.  Seven months on from the wall collapse, the school building and, I would suggest, the Oxgangs community are all stronger from the experience.  We are all heartily grateful that no one – no child – was killed or injured as the result of the wall collapse.  But we all want a just outcome, and we all want lessons to be learned, so that no one’s safety, least of all that of a child, is jeopardised for the sake of expedience.  Injury was avoided by chance, not by design.  Oxgangs is now at the centre of a City Council funded inquiry into the construction practices and contractual frameworks that provided the tax payer with expensive, and more importantly, demonstrably unsafe, public buildings across Edinburgh, and Scotland. The findings of the inquiry are due by the end of 2016.

The BBC made a documentary about school building safety across Edinburgh and Scotland, featuring Oxgangs, which aired 22/08/16.  It can be found on the iPlayer for the next couple of weeks, “BBC Scotland Investigates: How Safe is My School?”.

We will continue to post any information we receive on these pages.

Upcoming Events – Parent Forum AGM

There’s not much on the calendar at the minute, but please keep checking this web page, the PTA Facebook page, and ParentMail for any upcoming events.

The first Parent Council event will be the Annual General Meeting of the Parent Forum on the 20th September, at the School.  The “Parent Forum” is the official term used for all parents or carers of children who attend Oxgangs Primary School. If your child attends Oxgangs Primary School, please come along: you are very welcome.  The AGM is an opportunity for the Parent Council and the Parent Teacher Association to inform parents what they’ve done over the last year, and for interested parents to become members for the next year.  At the very least, it’s an opportunity to learn what parents can do to support the education of their children at Oxgangs. There is no obligation to join either the PC or the PTA at the AGM, everyone is welcome.